sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

Application Security 3: Setting your password rules

The post you are reading is about password enforcement rules in the Application Security package, released as Open Source on March 2014 for the Pharo Smalltalk community. Rules which you can set up are:
  • Increase the password length, which results in increasing the number of combinations search space.
  • Increase the size of character set, to increase the number of password combinations.
The default character set in the Application Security package, includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and a set of non-letters. This forms a 95-character set as recommended by the FIPS, and if passwords are between 5 and 8 characters, a brute-force attack would have to guess between 7.7 billion to 6.6 quadrillion combinations. It is possible to change the password creation rules by creating checkpointed validation settings:
| settings |
settings := ASValidationSettings forCheckPoint: ASDeployCheckPoing new.

" Set my passwords will allow up to 14 characters "
settings maxPasswordCharacters: 14.

" Set the user name character length maximum "
settings maxUsernameCharacters: 14.
You can also change the default character set allowed by user names. The default is the result of evaluating:
ASValidationSettings defaultUsernameCharactersList 
  evalString gather: [ : c | c ].

" but for convenience, you should grab the 
#defaultUsernameCharactersList method and customize for your purposes:

{ '$0 to: $z' . '$A to: $z' . '$a to: $z' . 
  '($0 to: $9) , ($A to: $Z) , ($a to: $z)' . 
  '($0 to: $9) , ($A to: $Z) , ($a to: $z) , 
  #($_ $- $.)' } "
Continuing with the validation settings example, this is how you do it:
settings allowedUsernameCharacters: {'$A to: $z' . '$a to: $z' }.

" and the same could be achieved for password characters : "

settings allowedPasswordCharacters: ...
Recent password research, have claimed that using passphrases increase the combinations needed by brute-force attacks, but there is more chance of making typographical mistakes, and so is good practice to increase the number of allowed failure attempts. This can be done in Application Security by evaluating:
" Set the maximum count of allowed fails per user during a period of time "
" Default is 40 "
settings maxUserFailCount: 5.

1 comentario:

  1. Very informative blog... Thanks for sharing all steps of setting password for application security.
