RProjectConnector is a package to access the R programming language in Pharo. The following script shows how to install and configure it in a clean image, using OSWindows to automatically get the R path installation:
Install OS-Windows
Metacello new baseline: 'OSWindows'; repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-OS-Windows/src'; load.
Install RProjectConnector
Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'VincentBlondeau' project: 'RProjectConnector'; configuration; loadStable.Copy R required DLL's into the VM directory:
| rPath dlls | (rPath := (WinRegistry queryValue: 'InstallPath' fromKey: (WinRegistryKey localMachine queryOpenSubkey: 'Software\\R-core\\R')) allButLast) notNil ifTrue: [ dlls := (rPath asFileReference / 'bin' / 'i386') entries select: [ : entry | entry extension = 'dll' ] thenDo: [ : dllEntry | dllEntry asFileReference copyTo: Smalltalk vmDirectory asFileReference / dllEntry basename ] ].
Finally, we could test with the Iris data set:
| iris | iris := 'eval' asREval: {RObject findVar: 'iris'}. 'plot' asREval: { (iris at: 'Petal.Length'). (iris at: 'Petal.Width'). (#pch -> 21). (#xlab -> 'length'). (#ylab -> 'Width'). (#bg ->((iris at: 'Species') collect: [ :value | {'red'. 'green3'. 'blue'} at: value ])). (#main -> 'Edgar Anderson''s Iris Data') }. iris inspect.
Hope you find it useful.
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