This is a short post describing how to detect the system platform (Operating System) where your virtual-machine is running. You can use the following expressions in several major Smalltalk flavors:
" Pharo >= 4 " Smalltalk os isWin32. Smalltalk os isMacOS. Smalltalk os isMacOSX. Smalltalk os isUnix. " Pharo 3 " OSPlatform current isWindows. " Pharo 2 " OSPlatform isWin32.
VisualWorks >= 7
ExternalInterface currentPlatform.
Dolphin 7
OSVERSIONINFO current osName. OSVERSIONINFO current isWinV5OrLater OSVERSIONINFO current isWinV6OrLater OSVERSIONINFO current isWinVista OSVERSIONINFO current isWinXP OSVERSIONINFO current isWinXPOrLater OSVERSIONINFO current isNT
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