Ever wondered how to run tests in your package without using the Test Runner UI? You just need to provide the prefix of the package with tests and this piece of code will show you how to do it:
| pkgPrefix pkgSuite result | pkgPrefix := ''. pkgSuite := TestSuite named: 'MyApplication Tests'. (RPackage organizer packageNames select: [ : pkgName | pkgName beginsWith: pkgPrefix ] thenCollect: [ : pkgName | (RPackage organizer packageNamed: pkgName) definedClasses ]) flatten select: [ : c | (c includesBehavior: TestCase) and: [ c isAbstract not ] ] thenCollect: [ : c | TestCase addTestsFor: c name toSuite: pkgSuite ]. result := pkgSuite run. result printString.
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