Let's face it, how many times you could have a mix of Natalie Portman with Smalltalk code? :) If you install a little SPARQL wrapper library in Pharo, you could for example access the Natalie's movie list querying DBPedia by writing something like the following code in the SPARQL query language:
DBPediaSearch new
timeout: 5000;
query: 'PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?film foaf:name ?filmName .
?film dbpedia-owl:starring ?actress .
?actress foaf:name ?name.
FILTER(contains(?name, "Natalie"))
FILTER(contains(?name, "Portman"))
To actually get only the titles you can use NeoJSON to parse the results:
((((NeoJSONReader fromString: jsonResults) at: #results) at: #bindings) collect: [ : entry | entry at: #filmName ]) collect: [ : movie | movie at: #value ]
And this is how results looks like:
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